Terms and Conditions


You confirm to register only if

  • you have installed OSSN release 6.0 or later on the website you're in charge of and which will be permanently reachable to the outside world
  • you are ready to provide the URL of this website with the fully qualified domain name
  • you agree that your registration will be verified before your account gets switched to active
  • you want to download any of my components as listed on the About page
  • you need support for any of these components


Posting, Commenting, Contents

You agree

  • to post in English only
  • to only ask questions related to the components hosted here
  • to follow the steps in How to report a bug in case you want to report an issue
  • not to post any content which would violate 3rd-party copyrights
  • not to share any content of this site to the public



I may terminate or bann your access immediately without prior notice if you breach the above Terms and Conditions or

  • after attempting to register any fake/not working or non-Ossn site
  • after attempting to register multiple times using different data
  • after 2 weeks of no activity since registration



If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions, you can contact me:

  • By email: comz@z-mans.net