{ "com_id": "Favicons", "latest_version": "7.1","ossn_version_prefix": "7.1", "works_on_latest_version": "yes" }

I. Release Notes

Current Version: 7.1
Requirements: Ossn >= 7.1
GDPR affected: No
License: GNU General Public License v2
Credits: realfavicongenerator.net

II. Purpose and Usage

Creating a well-done and unique favicon may already take some time, but getting it recognized and displayed correctly by every browser on every device - that's where the REAL work starts. Actually, RealFaviconGenerator.net is doing a damned good job on that. So this component has been made to send them a master image to derive your icons from, then getting back a complete package with all necessary data and finally install it on your site. That's just 3 simple steps and you're done.

Figure 1


III. Changes

V 7.1

  • fixed flushing of progress messages
  • added Hungarian language file
  • verfied PHP 8.2 compatibility

Outdated Ossn 6.x releases

V 6.1

  • simplified XHR error handling
  • Ossn 6.x support
  • verified PHP 8 compatibility

Outdated Ossn 5.x releases

V 1.4

  • don't provide site's default OpenGraph meta tags on shared_content pages

V 1.3

  • changed manifest to allow portrait AND landscape orientation

V 1.2

  • removed service worker which was causing extra network traffic and prevented updating the upload progress bar of the Videos premium component

V 1.1

  • adapted requirements to Ossn 5.4