{ "com_id": "FakePostings", "latest_version": "7.1","ossn_version_prefix": "7.1", "works_on_latest_version": "yes" }

I. Release Notes

Current Version: 7.1
Requirements: Ossn >= 7.1
GDPR affected: No
Credits: Jak Wings
License: GNU General Public License v2


II. Purpose and Usage

You have installed the Fake Users component, your community comes with impressive 5000 members but is still suffering from almost no user activities?

This component will be your friend, then. Because it allows you to generate thousands of random postings on your wall retrieved from a so-called fortunes database.

Driving your REAL members nuts with fake postings even made under their id can't be a good idea on the other hand, and that's why the component is smart enough to select only those members who have never logged in.

There are 2 options to generate a fake posting:

  • manually from your admin panel by choosing Configure -> Fake Postings

  • every 5 minutes, every hour, on Fridays ... as you like ... by cron 

Ask your provider whether there's an option to run cron jobs at your site.
If so, the command to be executed has to be:

php /YOUR_PHYSICAL_INSTALLATION_PATH_OF_OSSN/components/FakePostings/cronjobs/fakepost.php

In case you don't know YOUR_PHYSICAL_INSTALLATION_PATH_OF_OSSN, install the System Info component and look for Install Dir.

Have fun!


III. Changes

V 7.1

  • added Hungarian language file
  • minimal layout change of admin backend

V 6.2

  • fixed unreliable indexing of fortune data files which was causing the component to crash in some environments

V 6.1

  • Ossn 6.x support
  • verified PHP 8 compatibility
  • fixed wrong indexing in fortunes class
  • added Ossn error messages to fortunes class

Outdated Ossn 5.x releases

V 2.4

  • Added Korean language

V 2.3

  • added Chinese language file

V 2.2

  • added Indonesian language file
  • license update

V 2.1

  • added missing language files

V 2.0

  • cronjob error logging
  • cronjob adapted to Ossn 5.x environment

V 1.1

  • allowing to enter the number of postings to be generated

V 1.0

  • initial release