{ "com_id": "bio", "latest_version": "7.1","ossn_version_prefix": "7.1", "works_on_latest_version": "yes" }

I. Release Notes

Current Version: 7.1
Requirements: Ossn >= 7.1, Textarea Support >= 7.1
GDPR affected: No
License: GNU General Public License v2


II. Purpose and Usage

This component adds a Bio tab to member profiles allowing to display some individually styled personal information like member's website, occupation, hobbies, images, whatever ...

Figure 1

The bio data can be entered and edited on the member's account settings page.
Each member may decide to make his bio visible for everyone or for friends only, depending on the chosen setting when saving the bio data. 

Figure 2


III. Changes

V 7.1

  • added Hungarian language file

V 6.6

  • changed search functionality to exclude HTML formatting directives from the results

V 6.5

  • fixed: Bio contents gets erased when the basic information of a member has been changed
  • changed: Textarea Support 6.6 requirement

V 6.4

  • changed to Textarea Support 6.3 requirement

V 6.3

  • don't list blocked member bios in bio search results

V 6.2

  • fixed: allow editing of the Bio from the admin backend
  • added Korean language file

V 6.1

  • Ossn 6.x support
  • verified PHP 8 compatibility
  • added visibility option (public or friends only)


Outdated Ossn 5.x releases

V 3.11 (supporting Ossn 5.4 up to 5.6, requires TextareaSupport 2.12)

  • fixed: inaccessibility of member bio on `administrator/edituser/...` pages

V 3.10

  • the bio input editor is removed from **Basic Settings** onto a separate **Bio** tab

V 3.9

  • adapted requirements to Ossn 5.4

V 3.8

  • added Chinese language file
  • adapted to TextareaSupport 2.8

V 3.7

  • refined components requirement check
  • added Indonesian language file

 V 3.6

  • added content search
  • compatibility fixes for TextareaSupport 2.5

V 3.5

  • fixed compatibility issue with Custom User Fields component
  • removed TinyMce dependencies

V 3.1

  • don't cache former bio on account settings page

V 3.0

  • check for already initialized TinyMCE instances
  • resolving issue with Firefox endless loading and exhausting memory
  • reduced dependencies from default account settings form
  • sanitized html output
  • cleanup of function names to start with com_bio