{ "com_id": "system-info", "latest_version": "6.5","ossn_version_prefix": "6.0", "works_on_latest_version": "yes" }

I. Release Notes

Current Version: 6.5
Requirements: Ossn >= 6.0
GDPR affected: No
License: GNU General Public License v2

II. Purpose and Usage

A support component to provide some useful information about your server environment and Ossn installation.

  • Install and enable from your administrator backend's component section
  • proceed to Configure->System Info and choose a setting
  • give feedback to the support team when the component is ready to use

In case of Ossn installation issues:

  • Unzip the component zip-archive locally on your PC
  • follow the steps in TOOLS-README.txt

III. Changes

V 6.5

  • added integrety checking of ossn_site_settings table to ossninfo.php utility

V 6.4

  • moved portscanning function to separate submenu 'Open Ports'
  • when running the standalone ossninfo.php tool, this function is available with test=open_ports now as documented in TOOLS_README.txt
  • changed checksum algorithm to exclude language files

V 6.3

  • added new option test=mod_rewrite to standalone ossninfo.php utility

V 6.2

  • PHP 8 sanitizing in com_system_info_getSystemMemInfo() and equivalent function in ossninfo.php

V 6.1

  • Ossn 6.x support
  • verified PHP 8 compatibility
  • added message if meminfo is not available (as on shared hosts)


Outdated Ossn 5.x releases

V 2.6 (supporting Ossn 4.0 up to 5.6 )

  • fixed PHP 7.4 compatibility issue of ossninfo.php

V 2.5

  • added support for PDO database connector
  • fixed PHP 7.4 compatibility issue with old db->stat which has to db->stat() 
  • renamed component pages to `ossn-system-info` to avoid conflicts if standalone `ossninfo.php` is installed in parallel

V 2.4

  • added "Open Ports (1-1024)" to Server Environment section

V 2.3

  • added Indonesian and Japanese language files

V 2.2

  • added new options to ossninfo.php

V 2.1

  • added hostname, host ip and hostname by reverse lookup

V 2.0

  • added options 'files', 'phpinfo' and 'meminfo' to retrieve important information from error_log e.g.
  • 'System Info' section menu added
  • all options mentioned above can be called up with just a click
  • configurable "Protection" option added to admin backend, this way you may (dis-)allow public viewing of the component's output
  • 'modified' column added to components, themes and core
  • any parts of Ossn which differ from the original release are marked with a red 'yes'
  • 'Ossn Performance' section added
  • displaying information about Ossn initialisation and page loading times
  • language files added according to Ossn core release 5.1 locales