Current Version: 7.1
(Version 1.0 to 4.0 have been released as Successfully Invited Members)
Requirements: Ossn >= 7.1, OssnInvite >= 5.2
GDPR affected: Most likely Yes. Since the component intransparently stores information about who invited which member(s) - visible to site admins only - you'd better mention this in your data protection declaration.
License: GNU General Public License v2
Whenever an existing member has invited a new member via OssnInvite, this component is increasing the inviter's members_invited counter as soon as the invited member has registered (as requested by Balamurali
The administrator is shown at the top of each EDIT USER page by whom the member has been invited and how many successful invitations the member has made.
Figure 1
There is also a ranking list sorted by the number of invitations.
Figure 2
V 7.1
V 6.2
V 6.1 (compatible up to Ossn 6.4)
Outdated Ossn 5.x relases (showing the progress of development step by step)
V 5.0
V 4.0
V 3.0
V 2.5 'Mary Greg'
V 2.0
V 1.0