
This component/theme does NOT work with the latest OSSN version.

{ "com_id": "Notes", "latest_version": "6.3","ossn_version_prefix": "6.0", "works_on_latest_version": "no" }

I. Release Notes

Current Version: 6.3
Requirements: Ossn >= 6.0, Textarea Support >= 6.6
GDPR affected: No.
License: GNU General Public License v2


II. Purpose and Usage

You've got thousend friends in your community but don't remember who wrote that remarkable blog? Or who's the one with those amazing black and white images? Notes will be of help then - allowing to save anything of interest. Internal or external links and any free text of course.

Notes pages are strictly private, nobody else will be able to view them. Notes are editable from your account-settings page, the page itself is addressable by a link in the main menu then.

Figure 1


III. Changes

V 6.3

  • added usage hint on note pages that are blank
  • added direct link to notes editor

V 6.2

  • fixed: notes page overlapping friends column on the right

V 6.1

  • Ossn 6.x support
  • verified PHP 8 compatibility

Outdated Ossn 5.x releases

V 1.1

  • fixed missing highlighting of active Notes tab on account settings page

V 1.0

  • Initial Release